Let’s set the scene for
a life you’ll LOVE waking up to every single day.

Let’s set the scene
for a life you’ll LOVE waking up to every single day.

A life where you matter, your dreams
matter and your days matter.


Imagine what it would
be like if EVERY DAY felt like
a full body HECK YES! 

Imagine what it would be like if EVERY DAY felt like a full body HECK YES! 

You’ve finally given yourself permission to be unapologetically you and
do ALL THE THINGS you know (deep down) you’re here to do.

You wake up excited for a life that feels full to brim in all the RIGHT WAYS and greet
yourself in the mirror feeling good, REALLY GOOD, about who you’re being in that life.

You play out your every day by your own personal rulebook and
all your SHOULDS have been replaced with COULDS.

You’ve finally given yourself permission to be unapologetically you and do ALL THE THINGS you know (deep down) you’re here to do.

You wake up excited for a life that feels full to brim in all the RIGHT WAYS and greet yourself in the mirror feeling good, REALLY GOOD, about who you’re being in that life.

You play out your every day by your own personal rulebook and all your SHOULDS have been replaced with COULDS.

And to think it all began with
just one word – YES!

Hello, I’m Leanne.

I've popped open a bubbly because I know YOU are a woman who is ready to SAY YES! to a life you LOVE.

I'm the coach women like you come to when you're ready to...

Be the star in your own life story, live a life that excites you, and unapologetically blaze a trail of success on YOUR terms.

Be the star in your own life
story, live a life that excites you, and unapologetically blaze a trail of success on YOUR terms.

I help women SAY YES! to themselves and create a life they're obsessed with from the inside out, so they can finally enjoy the enriching lifestyle, meaningful connections, personal success and deeply fulfilling experiences they deserve.

It's why they call me the QUEEN OF YES! and it's what I do best.

the                                               self-created woman

the                self-created woman

I know you’re meant for more.
You know it too... that’s
why you’re here.

I know you’re
meant for more. You know it too... that’s why you’re here.

You’re done...

Putting yourself last on the list, shrinking yourself to please everyone else but you, and not living up to your full potential.

You’ve realized...

Life’s way too short to be simply lived, you’re ready to LOVE every bit of the life you live.

And you DO only have this one precious life, am I right?

And... you DO only
have this ONE precious
life, am I right?

So let me cut straight to the chase.

It really is time to take your foot off the brake and SAY YES! to you and more of the life you crave.

More success, more money, more confidence, more health, more freedom, more joy, more love… 

Week of YES! will help you set the scene for saying YES! to more of whatever it is you truly want.

the                self-created woman

What would your life look like if...

You said YES! to being whoever
you choose and everything
you want is possible?

You said YES! to being whoever you choose and everything you want is possible?

Join me in Week of YES! and let’s find out.


Imagine meeting the woman you COULD have become...

You’re celebrating your 95th birthday and come face to face with the woman you had the chance to be.

The woman who said YES! to herself and her biggest, boldest dreams. The woman with ALL the stories you wanted to live – but didn’t.

Here's the thing. You can be the woman with a lifetime of dream stories or the woman with stories of regret.

The choice is yours.

But really, why not be the woman who says YES!

the                                               self-created woman

the                self-created woman




Let’s set the scene for a life where you matter,
your dreams matter and your days matter.

Let’s set the scene for a life where
you matter, your dreams matter
and your days matter.



The unapologetic permission you've been longing for
to allow yourself and your dreams to come first.

A clear picture of exactly what you want to say YES!
to do, have and experience in your life.

An insight into the passions that truly light you up
and the purpose that will make it all count.

A vision of your Future SELF – the you who lives a life that feels like a full body HECK YES! every single day.

A Personal Playbook to help you make your
dreamy life of YES! your reality.

The unapologetic permission you've been longing for to allow yourself and your dreams to come first.

A clear picture of exactly what you want to say YES! to do, have and experience in your life.

An insight into the passions that truly light you up and the purpose that will make it all count.

A vision of your Future SELF – the you who lives a life that feels like a full body HECK YES! every single day.

A Personal Playbook to help you make your dreamy life of YES! your reality.

This isn’t just another course,
THIS is the beginning of
your HECK YES! life.

This isn’t just another course, THIS is the beginning of your HECK YES! life.

I know because... I’m giving you everything that helped me set the scene for my own life of YES!

I've cut this down to the five essentials that will help you say YES!
to a life you'll love waking up to EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Let's take a look at what's inside...

I've cut this down to the five essentials that will help you say YES! to a life you'll love waking up to EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Let's take a look at what's inside...



This module is all about giving yourself permission to SAY YES! to you, your dreams and your desires.

You've put everyone else first, held your dreams ransom to your shoulds and told yourself NO for long enough. It's time to put you and your wants, needs and desires at the top of your list.

By the end of this module, you will finally grant yourself the freedom to pursue your biggest, boldest dreams, to step outside your comfort zone, and to SAY YES! to the wildly fulfilling life you've been longing for.



Going from a Millionaire's Maid to making my own millions I've learned that everything truly is possible!

In YES! module two I'm inviting you to open your mind to what's possible for you because life doesn't need to be confined by WHAT IS but can be expanded by WHAT COULD BE.

With your newfound permission, experience the joy, excitement and sheer liberation of SAYING YES! to your dreams without limitations.

This YES! module will inspire you to dream big with a mindset that sees opportunities rather than obstacles.


Passion & purpose

In this YES! module you'll discover that passion and purpose are more than just modern day buzzwords. They pack a punch when it comes to creating a HECK YES! life you're excited to wake up to every single day.

YES! module three will help you tap into the power of your inner desires and understand the true purpose of your life. This is where the you, your dreams and your days meet their matter.

By the end of this module you'll recognize the passions that fuel your energy and the purpose that gives your life meaning. Passion and purpose is where you'll find that life of fulfillment and deep satisfaction you crave.



This wouldn't be a course for the Self-Created Woman you're becoming without getting down into the nitty gritty of your identity!

YES! module four is about SAYING YES! to your ideal persona – the version of you who is already living her dream life.

It's important to understand that changing your reality starts with changing your SELF-perception. This transformational module will help you tap into the confidence and self-belief you need to make your dreams your reality.



In this final YES! module we bring everything together.

It's time to consolidate your newfound understanding about your SELF and your dreams into a Personal Playbook, your unique guide to living a life of YES!

Your Personal Playbook will serve as your daily reminder and guide, ensuring your dreams don't get lost in the daily hustle ever again.

This isn't just any old document, it's a powerful commitment to SAY YES! TO YOU and to keep moving towards your dream life every single day.

Your YES! story can begin right here, right now.

Your YES! story can begin right here,
right now.

Let’s set the scene for a life that makes you say HECK YES! every single day.

Let’s set the scene for a life that makes you say HECK YES! every single day.

I'M READY to say YES!

Every woman needs to experience
the Week of YES! It's life-changing and
incredibly empowering!

Every woman needs to experience the Week of YES!

It's life-changing and
incredibly empowering!

Ava, Ohio

I realized that I've been denying
myself the joy of living a life I truly desire.
The Week of YES! helped me break those
chains. I'm ready to say YES to more!

I realized that I've been denying myself the joy of living a life I truly desire.

The Week of YES! helped
me break those chains. I'm ready to say YES more!

Emma, Texas

I was stuck in my comfort zone, not
realizing I was suffocating my dreams.
The Week of YES! has given me the courage
to step out and embrace new possibilities.

I was stuck in my comfort
, not realizing I was
suffocating my dreams.

The Week of YES! has given me the courage to step out and embrace possibilities.

Sophia, Washington

I've never felt so empowered
and inspired! Week of YES! helped me rediscover my passions and realign
my life goals with them.

I've never felt so
empowered and inspired!

This workshop helped me understand my passions and align my life goals with them.

Laura, California




I’m Leanne Letica

I went from Millionaire’s Maid
to Making Millions but STILL
didn’t LOVE the life I lived.

Because I wasn’t wealthy in ALL the ways that ACTUALLY matter.

I founded The Self-Creation School to help women like you and me SAY YES! to a life that’s rich from the inside out using my unique YES! Blueprint and Self-Creation Method.

I'm a small-town girl from Australia who became a divorced single mum
by age 22, while battling an eating disorder after years of yo-yo dieting and
cleaning the homes of multi-millionaires to make ends meet.

Since then, against all odds, I’ve built several of my own multi-million dollar
businesses and lived the kind of life I once couldn't even dream of.

But I learned the hard way that ALL the money in the world won’t buy you SELF Wealth.

...and without it, you’ll never be the star in your own life story.

I said NO to myself and my wants, needs and desires for more years than I care to remember.

My line-in-the-sand moment came when my life started saying NO to me.

Everything began to fall apart... my marriage, my family, my business, my health.

What little SELF Wealth I did have disappeared and my life was FAST disappearing with it.

One morning I realized we only have this ONE PRECIOUS LIFE – it was time to love me and live a life I loved.

Everything changed when
I said YES! unapologetically to
my SELF and my DREAMS.

Going from Millionaire’s Maid to making my own millions
I learned the SECRET to...

Recreating your SELF, rewriting your RULES and reinventing your WORLD.

When I added SELF Wealth to the mix, I created the kind of life I need to pinch myself to believe is mine.

Today, I live a REALLY GOOD life and enjoy the freedom of playing out everyday by my own personal rulebook.

I ditched my self-doubt, SHOULDS, and staying stuck.

I redefined my SELF and SUCCESS on my own terms, and I choose to UNAPOLOGETICALLY SHINE as the star in the script of my wildest dreams.

I’m known as the Queen of YES! for helping women like you do exactly the same.


I’m Leanne

I went from Millionaire’s Maid to Making Millions
but STILL didn't LOVE
the life I lived.

Because I wasn’t wealthy in ALL the ways that ACTUALLY matter.

I founded The Self-Creation School to help women like you and me SAY YES! to a life that’s rich from the inside out using my unique YES! Blueprint and Self-Creation Method.

I'm a small-town girl from Australia who became a divorced single mum by age 22, while battling an eating disorder after years of yo-yo dieting and cleaning the homes of multi-millionaires to make ends meet.

Since then, against all odds, I’ve built several of my own multi-million dollar businesses and lived the kind of life I once couldn't even dream of.

But I learned the hard
way that ALL the money in the world won’t buy you SELF Wealth and...

Without it, you’ll never be
the star in your own life story.

I said NO to myself and my wants, needs and desires for more years than I care to remember.

My line-in-the-sand moment came when my life started saying NO to me.

Everything began to fall apart... my marriage, my family, my business, my health.

What little SELF Wealth I did have disappeared and my life was FAST disappearing with it.

One morning I realized we only have this ONE PRECIOUS LIFE – it was time to love me and live a life I loved.

Everything changed when I
said YES! unapologetically to my SELF and my DREAMS.

Going from Millionaire’s Maid to making my own millions I learned the SECRET to...

Recreating your SELF,
rewriting your RULES and reinventing your WORLD.

When I added SELF Wealth to the mix, I created the kind of life I need to pinch myself to believe is mine.

Today, I live a REALLY GOOD life and enjoy the freedom of playing out everyday by my own personal rulebook.

I ditched my self-doubt, SHOULDS, and staying stuck.

I redefined my SELF and SUCCESS on my own terms, and I choose to UNAPOLOGETICALLY SHINE as the star in the script of my wildest dreams.

I’m known as the Queen of YES! for helping women like you do exactly the same.

what it FEELS like...

To be completely underwhelmed by your life and
overwhelmed trying to change it.

To grudgingly wake up every day to the same old boring routine and uninspiring experiences that blur together day after day.

To not like who you see in the mirror and constantly
beat yourself up for never being enough.

To sweep your wants, needs and desires under the carpet to keep
everyone else happy and maintain the status quo.

To lie awake for hours at night questioning how on earth
it all came to this and feel guilty for wanting something more.

To be completely underwhelmed by your life and overwhelmed trying to change it.

To grudgingly wake up every day to the same old boring routine and uninspiring experiences that blur together day after day.

To not like who you see in the mirror and constantly beat yourself up for never being enough.

To sweep your wants, needs and desires under the carpet to keep everyone else happy and maintain the status quo.

To lie awake for hours at night questioning how on earth it all came to this and feel guilty for wanting something more.

I’m here to be an example of what’s
possible when you choose to say YES! to you and your own authentic success story. 

I’m here to be an example of
what’s possible when you choose to say YES! to you and your own authentic success story. 

Join me in Week of YES!
and SAY YES! to you and
your dreams today.

Join Week of YES! and SAY YES! to you and your dreams today.


Join now for only $97

(normal price $197)

I'M READY to say YES!

the                             self-created woman

the                self-created woman

Got Questions?

I’ve got answers.

The course is completely online. Once you purchase Week of YES! you'll receive instant access to the course material. Each module contains educational content and a beautifully designed workbook filled with exercises you can complete at your own pace.

You can work through each module's content at your own pace.
I recommend setting aside around an hour per module to thoroughly
absorb the content and complete the exercises. 

No preparation is required. All you need to bring is an open mind and a willingness to explore and grow.

Absolutely. The workbooks are yours to download and revisit whenever you wish.

Week of YES! is designed as a self-guided course and in line with the price point this
is offered for, I do not provide personalized coaching with it. However, you are welcome to contact me with any questions and I'd love to hear about your reflections and insights!

This course is designed to help you give yourself permission to say YES!, identify
your passions, understand your purpose, define your ideal future self, and create your
own Personal Playbook to guide your journey towards living a life you love.

This is a self-guided online course, so you can do it on your own schedule in as little or as much time as you need.

Due to the digital nature and instant access of the course there are strictly NO REFUNDS. However, there's no time limit to complete the Week of YES!. The course content will remain available to you so you can revisit and complete it whenever you're ready.

This course is designed specifically for women who are ready to say YES!
to their dreams. It combines self-exploration with practical exercises to help
you map out your path towards living a life you truly love.

Yes, you will receive a beautifully designed workbook each module with educational content and powerful exercises to guide your self-discovery.

All you need is internet access and a device to access the course portal, along with some quiet time to reflect and complete the exercises in your workbooks.

Your privacy is important to me. All exercises are designed for personal reflection. You decide what, if anything, you wish to share with others.

If you find the course valuable and wish to continue your journey to YES!, you may be interested in exploring my monthly membership or personalized coaching packages. Whilst many women choose to do so, there is absolutely no obligation.

The course is priced low because I believe every woman deserves to say YES! to herself and her dreams. There's no catch, and no further obligation to purchase anything.

How does the course work? Is it online or do I need to be physically present?

The course is completely online. Once you purchase Week of YES! you'll receive instant access to the course material. Each module contains educational content and a beautifully designed workbook filled with exercises you can complete at our own pace.


You can work through each module's content at your own pace. I recommend setting aside around an hour per module to thoroughly absorb the content and complete the exercises. 

Is there any kind of preparation I need to do before the course?

No preparation is required. All you need to bring is an open mind and a willingness to explore and grow.

Will I have access to the content after the course ends?

Absolutely. The workbooks are yours to download and revisit whenever you wish.

How interactive is the course? Will I be able to ask questions and get feedback?

Week of YES! is designed as a self-guided course and in line with the price point this is offered for, I do not provide personalized coaching with it. However, you are welcome to contact me with any questions and I'd love to hear about your reflections and insights!

What are the key things I will learn from this course?

This course is designed to help you give yourself permission to say YES!, identify your passions, understand your purpose, define your ideal future self, and create your own Personal Playbook to guide your journey towards living a life you love.

Who else will be attending the course? Is it a group session or 1-on-1?

This is a self-guided online course, so you can do it on your own schedule in as little or as much time as you need.

What if I'm unable to complete all modules of the course, can I get a refund?

Due to the digital nature and instant access of the course there are strictly  NO REFUNDS. However, there's no time limit to complete the Week of YES!. The course content will remain available to you so you can revisit and complete it whenever you're ready.

How does this course differ from other personal development workshops?

This course is designed specifically for women who are ready to say YES! to their dreams. It combines self-exploration with practical exercises to help you map out your path towards living a life you truly love.

Will there be any materials or resources provided during the course?

Yes, you will receive a beautifully designed workbook each module with educational content and powerful exercises to guide your self-discovery.

What do I need to have ready for each module's exercises?

All you need is internet access and a device to access the course portal, along with some quiet time to reflect and complete the exercises in your workbooks.

Will I need to share personal experiences or can I maintain my privacy?

Your privacy is important to us. All exercises are designed for personal reflection. You decide what, if anything, you wish to share with others.

If I find the content valuable, what are the next steps after the course?

If you find the course valuable and wish to continue your journey to YES!, you may be interested in exploring my monthly membership or personalized coaching packages. Whilst many women choose to do so, there is absolutely no obligation.

Why is the course being offered so cheap? Is there a catch?

The course is priced low because I believe every woman deserves to say YES! to herself and her dreams. There's no catch, and no further obligation to purchase anything.

If you’ve scrolled THIS FAR
it’s for a REASON...

If you’ve scrolled
THIS FAR it’s for a REASON...

You know (deep down) you want to be the woman who says YES!

And right now you can make ONE of two choices.

/ 01 /

You can continue to tell yourself NO and deny yourself the experience of living a life where you matter, your dreams matter and your days matter.

You can stay stuck keeping everyone else happy by shrinking yourself, maintaining the status quo and playing out your life in the shadows of what you are truly capable of.

You can give into your self-doubt, your shoulds and settling for far less than you deserve to avoid the discomfort of change.

But honestly – how has all of that been working out for you so far?

/ 02 /

You can be the woman who says YES! starting today and join me in the week of YES!.

Inside I'll show you how to set the scene for a life you'll LOVE waking up to every single day.

Imagine how it good it will feel to FINALLY give yourself permission to SAY YES! to you and your most intimate wants, needs and desires.

Picture yourself waking up excited for what awaits you in your day and thinking to yourself... I can't believe I get to live THIS life!!

It all begins with just one word – YES!

The choice of course is yours but I’ll leave you with this...

You deserve a life where you matter, your dreams matter and your days matter.
You can be the woman who says YES! to that life starting today.

You deserve a life where you matter, your dreams matter and your days matter.

You can be the woman who says YES! to that life starting today.

You only get this ONE precious life – the time to say YES! to a life you love is NOW.

You only get this ONE precious life. The time to say YES! to a life
you love is NOW.


Join now for only $97

(normal price $197)


Join now for only $97

(normal price $197)